
09 March 2025 - Lent 1, Year C

Theme The readings for this week may seem a bit disjointed at first glance. The OT reading speaks about tithing; the Psalm speaks about taking refuge in the Lord; Paul talks about salvation in Romans; and Jesus faces and resists temptation in the desert. But all of the texts come together as we consider how to live out our faith in the world. It is not enough to merely have faith. Our faith needs to be lived out as we became faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to us; as we seek refuge in the Lord; as we declare our faith in word and action; and as we face temptation in the world. Scriptures Deuteronomy 26:1-11 - An instruction to the Israelites on how to distribute their harvest. First, a portion must go to the priest at the place of worship. Then the people should celebrate what God has given them. The instruction makes special note to include the foreigners in their celebrations. Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 - A psalm declaring that refuge in God will provide safety and protection. God...

23 February 2025 - Epiphany 7, Year C

Theme Grace and radical love are deep themes running through this week’s readings. Grace can be summarised as receiving what we don’t deserve. In Genesis, Joseph’s brothers are forgiven and protected after selling him into slavery. The Psalmist declares that the lowly will possess the land and live in peace and prosperity. Paul talks about getting new bodies after experiencing death in this life. Jesus expands on this concept of grace, declaring that we should extend love and forgiveness even to those who we might consider to be our enemies.  Scriptures Genesis 45:3-11, 15 - Joseph is reunited with his brothers after being sold into slavery in Egypt. Joseph declares that it was God who sent him there so that he could gain a position of power and use it to save God’s people from the upcoming five years of drought and famine. He tells his brothers to fetch his father and return to live with him, under his protection.  Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40 - A psalm declaring that the wicked will...

19 January 2025 - Second Sunday after Epiphany, Year C

Theme The theme running through our scripture readings for this week seems to place a focus on signs and wonders. In John’s gospel, Jesus performs what is widely regarded as his first miracle - turning water into wine. In 1 Corinthians, Paul helps the Church make sense of the gifts that are imparted on people by the Holy Spirit. The Psalmist declares and praises God’s might, while the prophet Isaiah prays for the Israelite people to become a righteous light to attract all the people of the world.  Scriptures Isaiah 62:1-5 - A prayer of Isaiah for the city of Jerusalem and the people of Israel, that they would become righteous and no longer be known as the city of desolation but rather as a people of God’s delight/the bride of God. Psalm 36:5-10 - A psalm of praise, declaring God’s might and love for all of God’s creation - humans and animals alike. “All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.” 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 - Paul speaks to the Corinthian church about spiritual ...

12 January 2025 - Baptism of the Lord, Year C

Theme This week is Baptism of the Lord Sunday. It is the day where we remember Jesus’ baptism and commemorate the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The Gospel reading shares the story of Jesus’ baptism. The Acts reading shares a story of Peter and John going to baptize people in Samaria to receive the Holy Spirit. Isaiah’s prophecy declares that God remains with God’s people in trying times and the Psalmist invites people to worship the mighty God who rules over all people and creation. Scriptures Isaiah 43:1-7 - A prophecy made by *deutero-Isaiah declaring that God will be with the Israelites as they go through difficult times. Reminding them of their rescue from Egypt, Isaiah declares that God will save them once again. Psalm 29 - A Psalm that declares the might of God. It calls people to worship and honour this mighty God who cares for and blesses God’s people.  Acts 8:14-17 - Peter and John visit the people of Samaria, who had just accepted God’s message. They pray for the ...

22 December 2024 - Advent 4, Year C

Theme This week’s lectionary readings provide a final foretelling of the coming Messiah, Jesus. The prophet Micah predicts a coming leader who will rule over God’s people with strength and peace; our Luke passage recounts the events that transpired between Mary and her sister Elizabeth. Mary declares a song of praise and thanksgiving where the author of Luke’s gospel gives us a taste of the type of leader Jesus will become: Scattering the proud, dethroning the powerful, sending the rich away empty, lifting up the lowly, and filling the hungry. The Psalm is a cry to God to hear the Israelite’s cries and save them from their troubles. The Hebrews passage is a theological statement of Jesus’ crucifixion. Scriptures Micah 5:2-5a   - A prophecy of a coming leader from Bethlehem who will rule over all Israel. He will be the one of peace and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord. Psalm 80:1-7  - A cry to God for help. The Psalmist asks God how long will God be angry at their pra...

15 December 2024 - Advent 3, Year C

  Theme There is a clear theme of joyful rejoicing throughout the Lectionary readings this week. Zephaniah, Isaiah and Philippians all contain exhortations for God’s people to rejoice in the Lord. The reason for their rejoicing? God is with them. Even though they might face opposition, God liberates and offers salvation. The Gospel reading is another foretelling of Jesus’ upcoming ministry by the charismatic John the Baptist. Scriptures Zephaniah 3:14-20  - An instruction to rejoice in God and sing God’s glories. A song declaring that God is in the midst of the Israelites and they should not fear. God sings over them, declaring that a time is coming when all their enemies and oppressors will be overcome. Isaiah 12:2-6  - God is our salvation. The Israelites will joyfully sing God’s praises as they drink from the well of salvation. Philippians 4:4-7  - An encouragement to rejoice in the Lord always. Rejoicing is linked to gentleness. “Do not worry about anything, but ...

08 December 2024 - Advent 2, Year C

  Theme This week’s lectionary readings speak about God’s promise of a Messiah and the life that can be experienced with him. Luke references Isaiah’s prophecy about John and the salvation that God will bring. Malachi prophesies about the Messiah and the way he will refine and purify God’s people. In Luke 1, the Psalm reading for this week, Zechariah prophesies about Jesus and John’s coming ministry which involves salvation, mercy, forgiveness, righteousness and peace. In Phillipians, Paul gives thanks and refers to the righteous life that they can experience with Jesus. Scripture Readings Malachi 3:1-4 - The prophet Malachi shares about the coming Messiah and encourages God’s people that they will be refined and their offerings will once again be pleasing to God. Luke 1:68-79 - A prophecy of Zechariah, John the Baptist’s Dad. Zechariah speaks about the coming Messiah and a hope of being better and living without fear. He praises God for sending their saviour. He goes on to talk ab...