
06 October 2024 - Proper 22, Year B

  Theme This week’s lectionary readings speak about marriage and divorce and God’s care for the vulnerable. In Mark, Jesus teaches about marriage and gives women and children valuable agency. In Genesis, a story is told of how a woman was created as a helpmate for Adam. In Job, we read about the start of Job’s tremendous suffering and continued faith in God. In Hebrews, we are reminded that God has been revealed in Jesus’ words and life. Scripture Readings Mark 10:2-16 - The Pharisees confront Jesus with a question about divorce to test him. Jesus teaches about marriage and divorce. Little children then come to Jesus but the disciples try to stop them. Jesus tells them to leave them alone and that they must become like little children to enter the Kingdom of God. Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12 - While in the past God spoke through prophets and ancestors, now God has spoken through his Son. The Son is the exact representation of the Father’s being and after purifying sins, he now sits at

08 September 2024 - Proper 18, Year B

Theme This week’s readings remind us that God cares for the poor, the sick, the downtrodden and the oppressed. In Mark, Jesus first exorcises an outcast in society before healing a deaf and mute man. James reminds Christians to care for the poor because faith without action is dead. Isaiah and the Psalmist encourage people to trust in God who saves the oppressed and the hungry. Scripture Readings Mark 7:24-37 - A Syrophoenician women brings her possessed daughter to Jesus for healing. Jesus harshly responds by saying that the children should eat before the dogs. The women replies that even dogs eat the children’s scraps and Jesus heals her daughter because of her reply. Jesus then heals a deaf and mute man by spitting, touching his tongue and saying “Ephphatha” which means “be opened.” Jesus instructed everyone to keep quiet about his miracles, but they could not because they were so amazed. James 2:1-17 - Christians are instructed to not show favouritism and to care for the

01 September 2024 - Proper 17, Year B

  Theme This week’s readings remind us that what we believe and what we say is less important than what we do - the way we live out our faith. In Mark, Jesus confronts the pharisees and religious leaders about being hypocritical and judging others while they commit grave wrongs themselves. In James, we are encouraged to not only listen to God’s word but to do what it says. In Deuteronomy, the Israelite people are instructed to hear and follow God’s laws. The Psalmist declares that the one who is blameless and righteous will dwell with God. Scripture Readings Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 - Jesus and some of his disciples are eating food with unwashed hands. The teachers of the Law ask Jesus why his disciples don’t obey the traditions of the Jewish elders? Jesus quotes Isaiah and tells the elders that they are holding onto human traditions and not the commands of God. Jesus states that nothing can defile a person by going into them, but only what comes out of them. It is from within, out of

25 August 2024 - Proper 16, Year B

Theme This week’s readings reveal that everyone has a choice to make - a choice to follow the will of God or to do evil. In John, Jesus explains that those who follow him are doing God’s will and acknowledges that many will turn away from him. In Ephesians, Paul explains that we are in a battle against powers and principalities and that we need to put the armour of God to stand against evil. Joshua assembles the tribes of Israel and tells them that they need to choose between the gods of their ancestors and the God that has brought them out of slavery and into this new land. The Psalmist declares that God protects those who serve God and punishes those who do evil. Scripture Readings John 6:56-69 - Jesus reiterates from previous weeks that anyone who eats his flesh and drinks his blood with remain in him and he in them. The disciples exclaim that this is a hard teaching to accept. Jesus says that the word he has spoken to them are full of the Spirit and life. But Jesus knew that

18 August 2024 - Proper 15, Year B

  Theme This week’s readings invite us to choose a life of wisdom and life over foolishness and evil. In John, Jesus teaches that those who stay connected to him are wise. Paul tells the Ephesian church to be wise and live lives filled by the Holy Spirit, avoiding evil. Proverbs speaks of Wisdom who invites the simple to dine at Her table. The Psalmist describes how the wise who fear the Lord will lack nothing. Scripture Readings John 6:51-58 - Jesus reiterates how he is the bread from heaven. This bread is his flesh and whoever eats it will live forever. The Jews argued how Jesus could give them flesh to eat. Jesus declares that whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood remains in him, and he in them. Just as the Father sent Jesus and Jesus lived in him; Jesus sends us and we live in him. Ephesians 5:15-20 - Paul encourages the Church to live as wise people, making the most of every opportunity. Do not be foolish and get drunk on wine that leads to debauchery but instead be f

11 August 2024 - Proper 14, Year B

Theme This week’s readings speak about the strength that we need for the journey of faith and where we get that strength from. In John, Jesus declares that he is only able to do what the Father authorizes. In Ephesians, Paul explains that we are able to resist sin and forgive others because Christ first forgave us. In 1 Kings, after a depressive episode, Elijah is strengthened by rest and food. The Psalmist declares that those who take refuge in God are blessed. Scripture Readings John 6:35, 41-51 - The Jews in the crowd are angry because Jesus referred to himself as the Bread that came down from heaven. They knew Jesus merely as the son of Joseph and Mary who they knew well. Jesus reiterates that God sent him and draws all people to him. No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God. Jesus says that even those who ate the manna in the wilderness died. But those who eat of Jesus, the Living Bread, will have eternal life. Ephesians 4:25-5:2 - Paul encourag

04 August 2024 - Proper 13, Year B

Theme This week’s readings remind us how God provides both spiritual and physical food for those who trust in God. In Exodus, we read of how God made manna rain down from heaven when the Israelites were worried about starving. The Psalmist celebrates the same event. In John, Jesus teaches that he is the bread of life and whoever feeds on him will never go hungry and enjoy eternal life. In Ephesians, Paul explains how Christ will build his Church up in maturity if they feed on the bread which he provides. Scripture Readings John 6:24-35 - After feeding the five thousand and walking on water, Jesus is sought by the crowds of people in Capernaum. Jesus tells them that they are looking for him because they enjoyed the food he provided, not because of what he said and did. Jesus teaches that they should not work for food that spoils but for food that endures to eternal life. Jesus explains that the work God requires is to believe in the one he has sent. The people ask for a sign like