09 March 2025 - Lent 1, Year C
Theme The readings for this week may seem a bit disjointed at first glance. The OT reading speaks about tithing; the Psalm speaks about taking refuge in the Lord; Paul talks about salvation in Romans; and Jesus faces and resists temptation in the desert. But all of the texts come together as we consider how to live out our faith in the world. It is not enough to merely have faith. Our faith needs to be lived out as we became faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to us; as we seek refuge in the Lord; as we declare our faith in word and action; and as we face temptation in the world. Scriptures Deuteronomy 26:1-11 - An instruction to the Israelites on how to distribute their harvest. First, a portion must go to the priest at the place of worship. Then the people should celebrate what God has given them. The instruction makes special note to include the foreigners in their celebrations. Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 - A psalm declaring that refuge in God will provide safety and protection. God...