
12 January 2025 - Baptism of the Lord, Year C

Theme This week is Baptism of the Lord Sunday. It is the day where we remember Jesus’ baptism and commemorate the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The Gospel reading shares the story of Jesus’ baptism. The Acts reading shares a story of Peter and John going to baptize people in Samaria to receive the Holy Spirit. Isaiah’s prophecy declares that God remains with God’s people in trying times and the Psalmist invites people to worship the mighty God who rules over all people and creation. Scriptures Isaiah 43:1-7 - A prophecy made by *deutero-Isaiah declaring that God will be with the Israelites as they go through difficult times. Reminding them of their rescue from Egypt, Isaiah declares that God will save them once again. Psalm 29 - A Psalm that declares the might of God. It calls people to worship and honour this mighty God who cares for and blesses God’s people.  Acts 8:14-17 - Peter and John visit the people of Samaria, who had just accepted God’s message. They pray for the ...

22 December 2024 - Advent 4, Year C

Theme This week’s lectionary readings provide a final foretelling of the coming Messiah, Jesus. The prophet Micah predicts a coming leader who will rule over God’s people with strength and peace; our Luke passage recounts the events that transpired between Mary and her sister Elizabeth. Mary declares a song of praise and thanksgiving where the author of Luke’s gospel gives us a taste of the type of leader Jesus will become: Scattering the proud, dethroning the powerful, sending the rich away empty, lifting up the lowly, and filling the hungry. The Psalm is a cry to God to hear the Israelite’s cries and save them from their troubles. The Hebrews passage is a theological statement of Jesus’ crucifixion. Scriptures Micah 5:2-5a   - A prophecy of a coming leader from Bethlehem who will rule over all Israel. He will be the one of peace and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord. Psalm 80:1-7  - A cry to God for help. The Psalmist asks God how long will God be angry at their pra...

15 December 2024 - Advent 3, Year C

  Theme There is a clear theme of joyful rejoicing throughout the Lectionary readings this week. Zephaniah, Isaiah and Philippians all contain exhortations for God’s people to rejoice in the Lord. The reason for their rejoicing? God is with them. Even though they might face opposition, God liberates and offers salvation. The Gospel reading is another foretelling of Jesus’ upcoming ministry by the charismatic John the Baptist. Scriptures Zephaniah 3:14-20  - An instruction to rejoice in God and sing God’s glories. A song declaring that God is in the midst of the Israelites and they should not fear. God sings over them, declaring that a time is coming when all their enemies and oppressors will be overcome. Isaiah 12:2-6  - God is our salvation. The Israelites will joyfully sing God’s praises as they drink from the well of salvation. Philippians 4:4-7  - An encouragement to rejoice in the Lord always. Rejoicing is linked to gentleness. “Do not worry about anything, but ...

08 December 2024 - Advent 2, Year C

  Theme This week’s lectionary readings speak about God’s promise of a Messiah and the life that can be experienced with him. Luke references Isaiah’s prophecy about John and the salvation that God will bring. Malachi prophesies about the Messiah and the way he will refine and purify God’s people. In Luke 1, the Psalm reading for this week, Zechariah prophesies about Jesus and John’s coming ministry which involves salvation, mercy, forgiveness, righteousness and peace. In Phillipians, Paul gives thanks and refers to the righteous life that they can experience with Jesus. Scripture Readings Malachi 3:1-4 - The prophet Malachi shares about the coming Messiah and encourages God’s people that they will be refined and their offerings will once again be pleasing to God. Luke 1:68-79 - A prophecy of Zechariah, John the Baptist’s Dad. Zechariah speaks about the coming Messiah and a hope of being better and living without fear. He praises God for sending their saviour. He goes on to talk ab...

01 December 2024 - Advent 1, Year C

Theme All of our Scripture readings this week speak about righteous living. Jeremiah reminds the Israelites of God’s promises to send a just and righteous king to rule over them. Psalm 25 is a prayer asking God to lead David in righteous ways. The Thessalonians reading contains a prayer from the apostle Paul, thanking God for the way that the Thessalonian church conducts themselves and asking God to continue strengthening their hearts with holiness. Finally, our gospel reading consists of Jesus encouraging the listeners to be prepared for the moment when they meet the son of Man. Scriptures Jeremiah 33:14-16 - Jeremiah reminds the Israelites of God’s promises to send them a right and just king. Psalm 25:1-10 - A prayer for guidance and deliverance. David asks God to help him live righteously. 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 - Paul writes encouraging words to the church of Thessalonica. He has heard good things about them from Timothy and thanks God for them. He prays for the restoration of thei...

Lectionary Reflections - Advent, Year C

The Christian season of Advent begins this Sunday. This day also marks the beginning of the new Christian Calendar. While the official calendar that we all know and love begins on 1 January, the Christian calendar begins with the start of Advent. This gives us the perfect opportunity to make a commitment to regular bible study and reflection without waiting for the new year. I would like to assist you on this exciting journey. I send out weekly reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary scripture readings for the upcoming week. The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) is a schedule of weekly Scripture Readings that follows the Christian Calendar (shown above) over a three year cycle. Each week consists of a Gospel reading, an Old Testament reading, a New Testament Reading and a Psalm. There are three main benefits to following the RCL in our reading of the bible:  First, because so many churches throughout the world follow the same RCL, we regularly reflect on the same passages of scr...

10 November 2024 - Proper 27, Year B

  Theme This week’s readings invite us to worship God with our entire lives by giving generously, caring for God’s creation and not exploiting the vulnerable. In Mark, Jesus condemns the religious scribes and celebrates the poor widow who gives all that she owns to God. In Hebrews, Christ is exalted as the one who saves. In 1 Kings, a widow is blessed abundantly after she first cares for Elijah. The Psalmist reminds God’s people to put their hope and trust in God rather than worldly rulers and powers. Scripture Readings Mark 12:38-44 - Jesus warns against religious people who like to be noticed and respected. They abuse widows and say long prayers to look good. Jesus tells a story of a poor widow who put two small copper coins into the treasury while everyone around her gave large sums. It is the widow who contributed the most because she gave all she had to live on while the others gave out of their abundance. Hebrews 9:24-28 - Christ suffered once so that all may be saved ...